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Trad Godfathers

Talismanic Words and the Anti-Church Agenda

NB: For those seeking reliable catechisms, the Tradivox series is recommended. Introduction In the previous two installments, we offered some background and textual analysis of the Vatican’s new Directory for Catechesis (DC), showing its problematic novelty in both form and content. Part I showed its disproportionate indebtedness to the “postconciliar paradigm” (and Pope Francis above all), while Part II further illustrated…

Catholic New York

Photo: St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City. Erected 1878. I was in my early twenties. I do not recall the day or the year, only that I must have been somewhere between 22 and 24 years old, likely on the younger end of the age range. I was in my undergraduate years, studying history at…

Clandestine Ordinations Against Church Law: Lessons from Cardinal Wojtyła and Cardinal Slipyj

One of the most remarkable episodes in the life of Karol Wojtyła—and one from which we can learn a great deal today—took place during his time as Cardinal of Kraków. It is astonishing to me that, with all the attention lavished on John Paul II, this incident has failed to attract notice, much less commentary. The…

Alice Von Hildebrand Sheds New Light on Fatima

Introductory commentary by Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S. Owing to a lack of clarity and specificity in Chapter 8 of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (AL), mutually contradictory views are circulating as to what it means for Catholics living publicly in objectively sinful relationships.  Has the present Holy Father broken with his predecessors, who…

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