Traditionalism is Not a Home
We know well that the solution to the crisis will not be immediate and therefore quite a few generations will still have to experience this drama.
We know well that the solution to the crisis will not be immediate and therefore quite a few generations will still have to experience this drama.
It would be fair to say that a majority of the small number of Catholics who have even given a moment’s thought to the subject believe that canonizations are infallible. However, a growing minority of Catholics are raising questions about and difficulties with this belief. The minority opinion is probably larger than statistics would indicate,…
National Review recently ran an absurd article entitled “Querida Amazonia Reveals Francis’s Conservatism,” an unlikely piece of hagiography that will prove in time to be as risibly misguided as another National Review article, one authored by George Weigel on the day of Amoris Laetitia’s release in 2016: “Pope Francis on Love, Marriage, and the Family.”…