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Catholicism 101

Masonic Naturalism and the Near Occasion of Sin

The widespread acceptance of the falsehood promoted by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other influential Freemasons concerning man’s supposed natural goodness has resulted in extreme moral corruption and devastation for souls. In his premier encyclical on the secret society, Pope Leo XIII wrote, “Freemasons, having no faith in those things which we have learned by the revelation…

Declaration of Truths Paves a Way Forward for the Post-Vatican II Church

The Declaration of Truths recently signed by five bishops provides the Church with a clear document capable of uniting Catholics against the enemies of Holy Church. But in order to unite, faithful Catholics of every stripe will need to agree on this: the pastoral approach of Vatican II must be abandoned — but without abandoning…

Bishop Schneider: The Christian Faith Is the Only Valid and the Only God-Willed Religion

Editor’s note: Here Bishop Athanasius Schneider offers a correction to Pope Francis’s recent claim that a “diversity of religions” is “willed by God.” His Excellency has put forth the following text for publication, and we reprint it here with his permission. The Truth of the filial adoption in Christ, which is intrinsically supernatural, constitutes the…

There Is No Catholicism Lite. Catholicism Is the Light.

There is an unfortunate tendency within modern-day Catholic evangelism to present the faith as a sort of Protestantism Plus. “We’re all Christians. We all worship the same God. We all revere the same Scriptures. We all are seeking to love Jesus. It’s great that you’re a Christian, but Catholicism is the fullness of Christianity –…

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