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Stalling Sainthood: The Inexplicable Interruption of the Cause of Bishop Sheen

You no doubt have already heard the news. If you are like most of us, you may be feeling shock and dismay. The cause for the canonization of Bishop Fulton Sheen has been derailed by the Archdiocese of New York for reasons unknown. And it has been accomplished through what appears to be nothing more…

Does the Islamic State Want to Assassinate the Pope? 5 Things Catholics Need to Know

Last week, the Vatican took pains to deny that Pope Francis is in the crosshairs of the Islamic State (IS). And yet, there is reason to believe that there is more to the threat than the Vatican wants to let on. While on the surface, threats like this from the Islamic State against the pope may seem shocking…

Want an Amazing Parish? Begin with the Liturgy.

Last week approximately 500 Catholic leaders and their pastors from around the country gathered in Denver, Colorado for the first Amazing Parish conference to “brainstorm and swap ideas about improving parish life.” As reported by the Catholic News Agency: “The newly-founded Amazing Parish movement seeks to provide resources to pastors and parish leaders so they…

“You are Peter”: Getting Papal Authority Straight

There’s a scene in Evelyn Waugh’s masterpiece novel, Brideshead Revisited, that I often recall, to my amusement. Father Mowbray is giving instructions in the Catholic faith to a lapsed Protestant named Rex Mottram. Mister Mottram isn’t really sincere in his conversion (in fact he’s completely disinterested in spiritual matters), but he very much wants to…

Breaking: Imminent Terror Attack Threat on Southern US Border

As the publisher of OnePeterFive, I make the editorial decisions on which topics to cover to further our vision of Catholic restoration. When we launched on August 1st, I intended to run a brief series educational pieces on Islam after some initial collaboration with Andrew Bieszad.  I soon questioned this choice, however, finding myself concerned about taking a confrontational…

Minimum Wage Thinking and Salvation Theology: On the Worth and Value of the Human Being

The conception behind minimum wage laws – and any similar notion that supposes that employees should receive payment or benefits unrelated to the transactional value which they bring to their employers – is economically unsound. Though most people in our culture today would disagree with this point, it is at least well understood by most…

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