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Pope Francis, Canon Law, and The Missionaries of Mercy

A couple weeks back, I excerpted a post from Oakes Spalding at his blog, Mahound’s Paradise, in which he questioned the purpose of Pope Francis’s proposed “Missionaries of Mercy”: Now, according to the Bull, the Mercy Squads will have additional powers that standard priests do not have, “the authority to pardon even those sins reserved…

Supporting Marriage Could Cost Tax-Exempt Status

Ryan Anderson has quickly become my favorite advocate for the traditional, natural (and moral) law concept of marriage. His ability to articulate common sense points persuasively and with confidence cuts through a lot of rhetorical nonsense. Anderson was at the Supreme Court yesterday, where oral arguments were heard in an attempt to determine whether there…

Radical Homosexuals: Force-Feeding Us “Ideological Cake”

At CNSNews, Fr. Marcel Guarnizo offers a wide-ranging essay on the issues in play concerning businesses being strong-armed into participating in “gay wedding” ceremonies. Some salient excerpts: The “homosexual cake,” is not just a cake, it is an ideological statement, and here the vendor must decide if he wants to engage or participate in an ideological…

Rosaries for Baltimore

If you’ve been following the news about Baltimore, you know it’s a city in very serious trouble. 144 vehicles burned. 15 structure fires. 7 police officers seriously injured. 200 arrests and counting. Imposed curfews. The calling in of the National Guard. The fact is, Baltimore, like other declining American cities, was in trouble long before the…

It’s Time for The Vatican to be Realistic About Islam

In what is an ongoing frustration for many Catholics, the Vatican continues to insist on friendly relations with Islam. It started with Nostra Aetate #3 and Lumen Gentium #16, neither of which are particularly compatible with what the saints previously said about Islam. Since the Second Vatican Council, this innovative understanding of a religion Catholic thinkers like…

Five Dollar Friday

For me, the worst part of running a non-profit is fundraising. I got into this business to give something, not to ask for something. Whether I like it or not, though, our content doesn’t produce itself. This has become my full-time job. From website administration to ad sales to content editing to podcast production to writing to graphic…

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