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Domestic Church Customs for Septuagesima

Above: the burying of the Alleluia. The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them. – St. John of the Cross Each year Lent almost sneaks up on our busy family. But in her wisdom Mother Church has provided a reminder for preparation…

Domestic Church Customs for Septuagesima

Above: the burying of the Alleluia. The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them. – St. John of the Cross Each year Lent almost sneaks up on our busy family. But in her wisdom Mother Church has provided a reminder for preparation…

Colligite Fragmenta – Septuagesima Sunday: Full, Conscious and Actual

Pre-Lent is here.  With the traditional calendar of the Roman Rite, in the Vetus Ordo, you cannot be surprised by Lent sneaking up on you.  You have no excuse.  Start thinking about your Lenten discipline now. There are three Pre-Lent Sundays, Septuagesima Sunday, Sexagesima and Quinquagesima, which in Latin respectively mean “Seventieth, Sixtieth, Fiftieth”.  These…

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